
Responsive table into a responsive site. Or adaptive?
Support colspan

How to use

1. Install

npm install table-fits

2. Insert script (and styles)

<script src="js/table-fits.js"></script>
// Create own style or take ours — for test
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/table-fits.css">

3. Your table

<table id="id-table">
            <td>Title 1</td>
            <td>Title 2</td>
            <td>Value 1</td>
            <td>Value 2</td>

4. Magic


5. Now, you have the responsive table

Small size — 9kb

How it works?

The script looks for a table and if the data in the table do not fit, the script will show them in cute look

The script will keep watch, if the structure of the table has changed or added a new line. And modify data in new blocks.

And callback on resize

Surname Name Patronymic Year Car
Konstantinov Konstantin Konstantinovich 1987 Lada Granta
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 1977 Lada 99
Sidorov Alexey Aleksandrovich 1967 UAZ Patriot

Some options

    mainClass: 'table-fits',
    width: null,
    resize: true,
    watch: true
Option Description
mainClass Class name prefix, default: "table-fits" and all children has class "table-fits__..."
width Sets the width of the table when it will converted into blocks, default null
resize It's enable resize. If width of window (or parent container) will change, the event is triggered. Default true
watch It's enable watch. If the structure of the table has changed or added a new line, the event is triggered. Default true

Inline options

Skip table

<table id="id-table" data-table-fits="no">


If you give the script all tables in a row, this option will be useful

Width of the table

<table id="id-table" data-table-fits-width="700">


Sets the width of the table when it will converted into blocks

Similar to the option

    width: 700

Title of block

<table id="id-table">
            <td data-table-fits="title">Title 1</td>
            <td data-table-fits="title">Title 2</td>
            <td>Title 3</td>


The block is tag <tr> like <div>, and this block may have headings (titles). You need to add data-table-fits="title" in the right column in the tag <td> in the <thead> P.S. Supports multiple headers


Surname Name Patronymic Year Car
Konstantinov Konstantin Konstantinovich 1987 Lada Granta
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 1977 Lada 99
Sidorov Alexey Aleksandrovich 1967 UAZ Patriot

Combine headers

data-table-fits-group="My group" or colspan="2..N"

You can combine columns using colspan or use the option data-table-fits-group="My group"

<table id="id-table">
            <td colspan="2">My Group</td>
            <td rowspan="2>Title 3</td>
            <td>Title 1</td>
            <td>Title 2</td>
            <td>Title 3</td>
<table id="id-table">
            <td data-table-fits-group="My Group">Title 1</td>
            <td data-table-fits-group="My Group">Title 2</td>
            <td>Title 3</td>


Full name Year Car Car's year
Surname Name Patronymic
Konstantinov Konstantin Konstantinovich 1987 Lada Granta 2015
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich 1977 Lada 99 1997
Sidorov Alexey Aleksandrovich 1967 UAZ Patriot 2012